1. ech::cba_cbna_int
    A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Interior Urbano region
  2. ech::cba_cbna_mdeo
    A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Montevideo region
  3. ech::cba_cbna_rur
    A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Interior Rural region
  4. ech::dic
    A dataset containing variables names change of the ECH 2006-2018
  5. ech::ipab_base2010
    A dataset containing the IPAB
  6. ech::ipab_base2010_int
    A dataset containing the IPAB for the Interior region
  7. ech::ipab_base2010_mdeo
    A dataset containing the IPAB for the Montevideo region
  8. ech::ipc_base2010
    A dataset containing the IPC base 2010
  9. ech::ipc_base2010_int
    A dataset containing the IPC base 2010 only for the Interior region
  10. ech::ipc_base2010_mdeo
    A dataset containing the IPC base 2010 only for the Montevideo region
  11. ech::toy_ech_2018
    A dataset containing only 1000 raws of the ECH 2018
    tbl_df|1294 x 581
  12. ech::toy_ech_2018_income
    A dataset containing only 1000 raws of the ECH 2018 income variables
    data.frame|1000 x 11
  13. ech::urls_ine
    A dataset containing the urls of INE datasets and diccionaries